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Accueil \ Invest In Burkina Faso \ Investment Sectors

Investment Sectors

Supporting sectors:

The diagnosis of the Burkina Faso economy carried out as part of the drafting of the National Economic and Social Development Plan (PNDES) highlighted the promising sectors in Burkina Faso. Among these sectors, the most emblematic are those of Agriculture (crop production and breeding), mining, real estate development, renewable energies including solar photovoltaic.

With only 1/3 of the 9 million hectares of agricultural land developed, agriculture is undoubtedly a sector that offers guarantees of a significant return on investment. Agriculture provides employment and income for 80% of the population. Private investment contributes to its modernization and improved yields. It is the second largest export sector after the mining industry. It offers agro-food processing opportunities for both the local market and the ECOWAS region. In addition to crop production, the livestock sector has significant potential. Burkina Faso presents opportunities in the installation of animal resource processing units (meat, milk, leather and skin).

Mines have experienced exceptional growth over the past ten years. Their contribution to GDP estimated at less than 1% in 2008 is estimated at 11% in 2017. In 2017, the sector accounted for more than 75% of export shares. The 13 industrial mining companies created provide more than 200 billion FCFA of tax and parafiscal revenue with more than 9,000 direct jobs. This mining boom is an opportunity for development of related sectors through the provision of goods and services to mines.

With an optimal amount of sunshine (5.5 kWh / m2), Burkina Faso offers good conditions for the production of solar photovoltaic energy. The reform of the electricity sub-sector has created a favorable environment for the installation of independent energy producers in both urban and rural areas. In addition, the strong enthusiasm of the population for solar photovoltaic products for individual use creates favorable conditions for the installation of industrial production units of solar components such as batteries, plates, etc.

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