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Accueil \ Representations \ Central East Regional Consular Delegation

Central East Regional Consular Delegation

The Central East region borders with the neighboring Republics of Togo and Ghana. It is a region that covers an area of ​​14,964 km2 for a population estimated in 2013 at 1,384,663 inhabitants, a density of 92.5 inhabitants / km2. It concentrates 8% of the national population and occupies 5.3% of the territory.

The Regional Consular Assembly (ACR) is composed of eight (08) consular elected officials and one (01) Regional Delegate.

The CAB Bureau is composed as follows:

- President: Mr. Fasnéwendé MINOUNGOU

- Vice-President: Mr. Madi SANA

- Secretary: Mr. Dieudonné Marie Désiré KABORE