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Accueil \ Invest In Burkina Faso \ Enabling Organizations

Enabling Organizations

Accompanying structures

Since Burkina Faso has opted to build a market economy, the Government and the private sector have set up support structures for the creation and development of enterprises. The most prominent structures are:

- The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Burkina Faso;

- The Chamber of Trades Crafts whose mission is to contribute to the organization and modernization of craft trades in Burkina Faso;

- The National Council of the Burkina Faso Patronage whose main mission is to defend the moral and material interests of its members, which are the professional associations and associations of enterprises;

- The Center of Arbitration, Mediation and Conciliation of Ouagadougou (CAMC-O) created under the aegis of CCI-BF, which promotes alternative methods of dispute settlement;

- The Burkinabè Agency for Investments, which promotes the destination Burkina Faso, with a focus on large volume investments, carried by foreign and / or national investors;

- The Maison de l'Entreprise, which specializes in supporting SMEs / SMIs in all sectors of activity;

- Authorized Management Centers that have priority targets for micro-enterprises and SMEs for keeping accounts, tax and social declarations, seeking funding, etc.

- The Agency for Financing and Promotion of SMEs, which is a national fund that works for the emergence of a network of viable and competitive SMEs through technical and financial support for SMEs;

- The Export Promotion Agency (APEX) which supports exporting companies through the provision of information on external markets, training, financial support for prospecting trips, etc. ;

- The National Agency for Standardization, Metrology and Quality (ABNORM) which is the national structure in charge of standards development. It supports companies in their standardization process.

In addition to these non-financial support structures, there are several financial support institutions such as the Burkina Faso Fund for Economic and Social Development (FBDES) which provides financial support for the creation and development of high-potential companies. growth;

The different funds dedicated to youth entrepreneurship, employment promotion and / or support of the informal sector such as the Youth Initiatives Support Fund (FAIJ), the Promotion Support Fund Employment Fund (FAPI), the Informal Sector Support Fund (FASI) and the Professional Training and Apprenticeship Support Fund (FAFPA) in a single window