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Accueil \ The Cci \ The general direction

The general direction

General Management: She is in charge of the operational and administrative management of the CCI-BF. Its administrative services are run by employees linked to the institution by private law contracts. The services of CCI-BF are, under the responsibility of the President, led by a Director General recruited by call for applications.

a) Missions and attributions

The Director General provides the General Secretariat of the Consular Chamber and the General Directorate of Administrative and Technical Services. In this context, it performs a dual function of advising elected officials and directing services. As such, he:

participates in the development of the strategic orientations, plans and objectives of the ICC-BF, notably by translating them into budgetary terms;
assists the President, at his request, in his relations with elected officials, public authorities and third parties, and in particular with the press;
assists the elected representatives in the framework of the specific missions entrusted to them, and keeps at their disposal the relevant information;
carry out or commission the studies required for the definition and implementation of the orientations envisaged by the President, and propose alternative opinions to the President and the Bureau and participate in the work of the CCI-BF commissions.
b) Organization of the General Management:

The operational, administrative and financial management of CCI-BF is ensured by a Director General supported by two (02) Deputy General Managers:

an Assistant Director General Infrastructures and Sustainable Development (DGA / IDD);
a Deputy General Manager Support Services and Supports (DGA / SAS).
Since May 2017, Mr. Issaka KARGOUGOU assumes the functions of General Manager of CCI-BF.

He is assisted by Mr. Emmanuel YODA, Deputy Director General Infrastructures and Sustainable Development (DGA / IDD)

and Patricia BADOLO, Deputy General Manager in charge of Support and Support Services (DGA / SAS).